Security riscks

50 users.

50 users in the company may lead to slow down in work being done, because the workplace will be over crowed and each user must have their own login details.

No log on to the network.

It would be a problem as anyone could log on to the network and alter work. There are restricted levels suitable for each employee.

Internet unrestricted.

Unrestricted internet would be a problem as employees could access inpropriate websites, which may lead to computers getting viruses. So if the internet is unrestricted employees may waste their working time by doing unrelated work on the internet.

Staff are allowed to install and remove the software.

This may cause problems because some of the users may not have an idea of how to install and remove important software, which may be vital to the company`s everyday running.

Data is backed up once a month.

This is too long to wait for computer to back up. It should be done atleast everyday, this is because it slows down the computer system with unwanted data. Also if computer breaks down you may loose all your work done so far and wou would have to wait for a month to solve the problem.

Data types are kept in a plastic box on the top of the server.

This may cause a problem because plastic box can be easily opened and because of that any user may access to them. Also because of the server heat the plastic box could melt on it. The enterance doors should be locked with a code to keep the data safer.

IP adress log is not kept of sites visited.

There is no tracking of sites you visiting. That would be a problem for company because employees could access any site they want and that may increase the risk of computer in getting viruses.

No firewall.

It`s danger because computers with private data can be hacked. That would break privacy and data protection laws. Because of that information could be used by someone who`s shouldn`t know about it.

Downloads are not monitored.

Because of that employees of the company could download anythint they want to and that may increase the risk of getting a compuetr virus. Also because of that company computer memory could be wasted for wrong information or data. Wasting memory leads to slow system performance.

Company keeps records in a database of costumers:
  • Purchases
  • Account numbers
  • Bank details
  • Costumer names
That is a major problem because all company staff could acces the private information of the costumers. That breaks the data protection, personal privacy and security acts.
This information should be kept extra secure to protect the costumers from any problems this data could cause.

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